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One Insight Could Change Your Business

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A moments insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.You could go through your life with the beliefs that you have. But sometimes those beliefs could have you going in the wrong direction.

Having a single insight about yourself or your business can change everything for you. Insights can come at any time, but usually when you’re thinking and focusing on the right content.

Below are four ideas that were discussed in a live School of Entrepreneurship class. Maybe one will give you an insight that can make a big difference in your business.

Wisdom is as Much Illusions Lost as Knowledge Gained

In order to get smarter, to get better, doesn’t always mean learning new things. Or chasing new ideas.

Gaining wisdom could mean getting rid of old ideas that have been limiting you. Getting rid of old ideas that aren’t working for you anymore.

Losing illusions of what you thought or what might have worked in the past, challenges your old way of thinking. It challenges your old beliefs. These lost illusions can be as valuable – potentially more valuable – as learning something new.

When you get rid of these old illusions, it could be like taking your foot off the brake pedal.

Beat Yesterday

Beat yesterdaySometimes you may think you have so much to do. This can cause you to feel overwhelmed. Especially when you are getting rid of old thinking and learning new things.

A new world of challenges and opportunities opens up and, all of the sudden, you can feel like you’re way behind.

But take the concept of beating yesterday. Prioritize your work and improve upon the day before.

If you keep beating yesterday, over time, a chart will appear with a positive upward trend line. Progress is not a straight line, but the trend line will be positive.

The Big Thing

The big thingThe big thing, be it a goal or project, is generally made up of a lot of little things. You can’t work on the big thing. You can only work on one of the little things at a time.

It’s like the riddle, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Similar to beating yesterday, just work on the most important little thing and the big thing will get accomplished.

The Compost of Your Past

Compost pile with flower growingAll the mistakes that you’ve ever made. All the experiences that you had that weren’t optimal. All the struggles. All the bad things that happened over the course of your business exist in this compost pile.

This pile is a mess. But there’s value in that mess. From this compost comes growth. Growth that will blossom into something positive, something special.

Illuminations Videos from the School of Entrepreneurship

The School of Entrepreneurship—our flagship leadership development program is where contractors come to learn how to structure and grow their business. You will learn how to think and what your own job should be to get unstuck, grow and move forward.

Every day you will learn directly from Larry Janesky through videos and exercises. The School of Entrepreneurship has changed the lives of hundreds of contractors in a profound way. The power of the content and discussions cannot be overstated. There is simply so much wisdom here; it will save you decades of trying to learn it all yourself the hard way.

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