Run Your Home Contractor Business Like a Well-Oiled Machine
The Functional Model for Your Business. In order to make sense of, lead, and manage your business, you need a way of understanding it.
At the School of Entrepreneurship, you will learn Larry Janesky's functional model of the home contractor’s business. A structure that you can measure, train others on, and improve. We call this model your “Business Machine.”
The Business Machine Model
If you were the Jolly Green Giant and walked up to your building and took the roof off to look down inside and see how your business worked, it would look like the inside of a wristwatch. With marketing, appointment center, sales, production and office teams working together to produce the end result of happy customers and a profit. These inner workings are what we refer to as the Business Machine.

Your Business as a Machine is one of the many helpful tools in
The School of Entrepreneurship. Contractors fill it in and print poster size to hang on their facility walls so all the team knows their departments goals!
The Business Machine is a tried and true structure for home repair, home service, or home improvement contractors.
Referring to the Business Machine Chart, you see seven “gears,” representing the seven different functions of your business. This particular machine (chart) is how a Home Improvement/Repair Contractor should work. Not all contractors, such as remodelers, will have a service department. So some contractors may only have six departments.
Each gear’s size is depicted in relative importance to your business. As you can see, the Sales and Production gears are the biggest, because without sales there is no business, and without Production there is nothing to sell.
At the top of the machine we start the business process with an investment in advertising. We make this investment into the first gear, the marketing department. This generates a lead that gets processed through the machine until the work is complete and a profit falls out the bottom.
To learn how to set up your home contracting business and get it running like a well-oiled machine, click this link to sign up for the School of Entrepreneurship.